Investigating occupation registrations and/or licensing for your occupation

Do you have to be registered to work in Australia?

Am I required to get registration or a licence to work in Australia?

If you are planning to migrate to Australia and work in a specific occupation, it's important to understand the occupation registrations and/or licensing requirements in the country. Here's how you can investigate occupation registrations and/or licensing for your occupation in Australia.

Research the occupation

Begin by researching your specific occupation in Australia. Understand the job market, demand for your occupation, and any regulatory requirements associated with it. This can be done through various government websites, industry associations, and professional bodies.

Check government websites

The Australian government has several websites that provide information on occupation registrations and licensing requirements. The Department of Home Affairs ( and the Australian Government's Job Outlook ( are good starting points. These websites provide information on the skills and qualifications required for various occupations in Australia, including any mandatory registrations or licensing.

Seek professional assistance

If you find the registration or licensing process complex or challenging, consider seeking professional assistance. Registered migration agents are able to provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Contact professional bodies or industry associations

Many occupations in Australia have professional bodies or industry associations that govern the practice of the occupation. These organizations often have registration or licensing requirements. Research and contact the relevant professional bodies or industry associations in your field to understand the registration or licensing process, requirements, and timelines.

Consult with regulatory bodies

Some occupations in Australia require specific regulatory bodies or authorities that oversee the practice of the profession and set the standards for registration or licensing. Examples include the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for healthcare professions, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) for financial services, and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for telecommunications. Consult with these regulatory bodies to understand the registration or licensing process, requirements, and documentation needed.

Check state or territory requirements

In some cases, occupation registrations or licensing requirements may vary depending on the state or territory in Australia where you plan to work. Check the specific requirements for your occupation in the state or territory you intend to live and work in. State or territory government websites, professional bodies, or industry associations can provide information on any additional or specific requirements.

Gather necessary documents and qualifications

Once you have a clear understanding of the registration or licensing requirements for your occupation, gather all the necessary documents and qualifications. This may include your educational certificates, professional qualifications, work experience evidence, English language proficiency test results, and other supporting documentation. Once again your Migration agent can guide you throughout this process

It's important to note that occupation registrations and licensing requirements in Australia can change, and it's essential to stay updated with the latest information. Thoroughly research the requirements for your specific occupation and seek advice from reputable sources to ensure that you comply with all the regulations and can legally work in your chosen profession in Australia.

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