Where to live in Australia?

So much choice, in such a vast country


Where to live in Australia?

Australia is a vast and diverse country with many different states and territories that offer unique opportunities and lifestyles.

Here are some suggestions for the best states to live in Australia.

New South Wales

Home to the iconic city of Sydney, NSW is a great choice for those who love the beach and city life. The state is known for its beautiful coastline, vibrant nightlife, and bustling city atmosphere.


Victoria is a great choice for those who enjoy a cultural attraction, outdoor activities, and a vibrant city scene. Melbourne, the state capital, is known for its coffee culture, art galleries and food scene.


Queensland is a popular destination for tourists due to its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and outdoor activities. It's also home to the Great Barrier Reef and a range of national parks.

Western Australia

WA is known for its stunning natural beauty, including rugged coastlines, pristine beaches, and vase outback landscapes. Perth, the state capital, is a growing city with thriving arts and culture scene.

South Australia

South Australia is a great choice for those who enjoy wine, wildlife, and natural beauty. The state is home to the Barossa Valley wine region, Kangaroo Island, and the Flinders Ranges.


Tasmania is a beautiful island known for its wilderness areas, national parks, and stunning coastline. It's also home to Hobart, a growing city with a thriving arts and culture scene.

Ultimately, the best state to live in Australia will depend on your personal preferences and lifestyle. Each state has its own unique attractions and advantages, so it's important you do your research and consider what's most important to you.

Where to live in Australia

Living in different parts of Australia, such as the outback, cities, and coastal areas, each comes with its own unique set of pros and cons.

Living in the Outback


  • Unique lifestyle: Living in the outback provides a unique and rugged lifestyle, with a strong connection to nature and the land. You can experience the vastness of the Australian landscape, enjoy stunning sunsets, and star-filled skies.
  • Close-knit communities: Outback communities are often tight-knit, with friendly and supportive locals who value community spirit and a sense of camaraderie.
  • Adventure and outdoor activities: The outback offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, four-wheel driving, and exploring remote areas that are off the beaten path.
  • Quiet and peaceful: If you're looking for peace and tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city life, the outback can provide a serene and calming environment.


  • Remote location: Living in the outback means being far away from major cities and amenities. Access to healthcare, schools, and other services may be limited, and the nearest town or city may be hours away.
  • Harsh climate: The outback is known for its extreme climate, with scorching heat in summer, limited water resources, and isolation from civilization. This can make living conditions challenging and require careful preparation and planning.
  • Limited job opportunities: The outback may have limited job opportunities, particularly in specific industries, which may require specialized skills or experience. Finding employment can be more challenging compared to living in cities or coastal areas.
  • Isolation: Living in the outback can be isolating, with limited social activities and entertainment options. It may not be suitable for those who crave the hustle and bustle of city life or a vibrant social scene.

Living in Cities


  • Access to amenities: Cities in Australia offer a wide range of amenities, including healthcare facilities, schools, universities, cultural institutions, entertainment venues, and a diverse range of dining and shopping options.
  • Employment opportunities: Cities are often the economic hubs of Australia, with a wide range of job opportunities across various industries. This can provide more options for employment and career advancement.
  • Social and cultural diversity: Cities in Australia are known for their cultural diversity, with a melting pot of different ethnicities, languages, and communities. This can provide a rich and vibrant social scene with a variety of cultural events, festivals, and activities.
  • Public transport and infrastructure: Cities in Australia generally have well-developed public transport networks, infrastructure, and modern conveniences that make commuting and daily life easier.


  • Higher cost of living: Cities in Australia can be expensive, with higher costs for housing, transportation, and general living expenses compared to other areas. The cost of housing, in particular, can be prohibitive in some cities.
  • Crowded and busy: Cities can be crowded, busy, and noisy, with increased traffic, congestion, and population density. This may not be ideal for those who prefer a quieter and more relaxed lifestyle.
  • Limited natural beauty: Cities are typically built-up areas with limited access to natural beauty and outdoor spaces compared to the outback or coastal areas. Green spaces and recreational areas may be limited.
  • Higher stress levels: Living in a city can be fast-paced and stressful, with long commutes, work pressures, and a competitive environment. This may not be suitable for those who prefer a more laid-back and relaxed lifestyle.

Living in Coastal Areas


  • Stunning natural beauty: Coastal areas in Australia offer breathtaking beaches, pristine coastline, and picturesque landscapes. There are ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing, boating, and fishing.
  • Relaxed lifestyle


  • Higher Cost of Living: Coastal areas, especially in popular cities, can have a higher cost of living due to increased demand for housing, food, and services.
  • Limited Employment Opportunities: In smaller coastal towns, job opportunities might be limited, especially in specific industries, which could require residents to commute to larger cities for work.
  • Extreme Weather Events: Coastal areas may experience extreme weather events, including tropical cyclones and bushfires, which could pose safety risks and affect property and infrastructure.
  • Salt Air and Corrosion: Living near the ocean can expose properties and vehicles to salty air, potentially causing corrosion and requiring more frequent maintenance.
  • Environmental Concerns: Some coastal areas face environmental challenges, such as erosion, rising sea levels, and the impact of climate change.

The decision to live in a coastal area of Australia very much depends on individual preferences and priorities. Many people find the coastal lifestyle appealing for its natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and sense of community. However, it's essential to carefully consider the potential challenges and lifestyle changes associated with coastal living, particularly if it involves relocating from an inland area.



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